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Amazing find! If I get around to visiting my parents I'll have a look around for any old games -- I never had a GameKid, just a GameKid Color, so my game of nostalgia is Hero of Zeanad II

Ah I always wanted on of those. I can still remember seeing the sequel on the shelf in my local game shop before it closed down. Wish I'd grabbed a copy back then.


This is brilliant! I love the retro vibe!


This is excellent. I can see myself playing it solo with some rulings and a d6. Thanks for sharing!


Awesome! If you do I'd love to hear how it goes and what rulings you make/rules you introduce!


this looks cute as hell, great work! can i kindly request a Pages pdf format?

You absolutely can. It feels a little wonky I think, with the stapled pages, but I've uploaded a single-page version of the PDF. Maybe I need to get a new scanner and see if that helps!


it helps! thanks a bunch.